sábado, 16 de julho de 2011

Tarefa 7

Tarefa 7 – Elaborar, em Português e em uma outra língua curricular da rede, pequenos diálogos de, no mínimo, 10 falas entre os interlocutores, trocando informações com os visitantes e envolvendo as situações abaixo. Os diálogos, de cada situação apresentada em Português, podem ser versados para a outra língua escolhida, tradução direta, ou a equipe pode elaborardois diálogos independentes, um em Português e outro no idioma escolhido (desde que se mantenham dentro do pedido na tarefa).

Gincana Solidária 2011

Willian, turma C15, interpretando os diálogos

Tarefa 7 – EMEF Anísio Teixeira-Prof. Catilcia-inglês


Turma C15
Interpretação: Andressa e Gabriel, William

Em uma loja no centro de PortoAlegre

Turista = T
Vendedor: V

T: - Olá!
V: - Olá, posso ajudá-lo?
T: - Sim, por favor. Preciso de um casaco quente.
V: - Ok, siga-me por favor. O senhor é americano?
T: - Sim, eu sou. Vim assistir ao jogo do Brasil X EUA. Não trouxe roupas suficientes para o frio. Em meu país está calor agora.
V: - Este inverno está realmente rigoroso. Veja, aqui tenho a nova coleção.
T: - Ok. Gostei desde vermelho. Quando custa?
V: - R$ 350,00
T: Vou levar! Está muito barato!
V: Ok, passe no caixa. Obrigado.
T: Obrigado a você.
V: Tchau!
T: Tchau!

At a store in Porto Alegre downtown

T= tourist
S= salesman

T: - Hello!
S: - May I help you?
T: - Yes, please! I need a warm coat.
S: - Ok, follow-me, please.
T: - Ok.
S: - Are you American?
T: - Yes, I came her to watch Brazil X US game. I didn´t bring enough clothes. It’s hot in my country now!
S: - The winter is really this year. Look here I have the new collection!!
T: Ok. I like the red one. How much is it?
S: R$ 350,00
T: I’ll take it! It’s really cheap!
S: Ok, sir. Go to the cash, thanks.
T: Thank you.
S: Bye!
T: Bye!

Turma C14

A Bendita Rosquinha

G= garçom
C= cliente

G: - Olá senhor, o que gostaria?
C: - Me traga um café e uma rosquinha, por favor.
G: - Desculpe senhor, mas não temos rosquinhas.
C: - Ok, então me traga um chá e uma roquinha.
G: - Desculpe senhor, mas como eu havia falado, não temos rosquinhas.
C: - Tudo bem garçom, não precisa se exaltar. Eu vou querer um suco de laranja e uma rosquinha.
G: - Já lhe disse que não vendemos rosquinhas!
C: - Está bem, me traga um capuccino e uma rosquinha.
G: - Se o senhor pedir rosquinhas mais uma vez...
Outro cliente interrompe a discussão deles:
C2: Parem de discutir por favor. E, Garçom, traga a rosquinha dele de uma vez!

The Blessed Donut

W= waiter
C= client

G: - Hello sir, would you like to order?
C: Yes, please. I would like a coffee and a donut.
G: I’m sorry sir, but we don’t have donuts.
C: Ok, bring me a tea and a donut then,
G: I’m sorry sir, but as I have already told you, we don’t have donuts!!!
C: Ok waiter, you don´t be mad I Would like an orange juice and a donut please.
G: I told you sir, we don´t SELL DONUTS!!!!
C: Ok then, bring me a cappuccino and a donut please.
G: If you ask donuts one more time….
Another client stops them…
C2: Stop arguing boys. Waiter, brings the donuts to this man at once!!!!


English tourist – Excuse me. Can you help me?
Dweller – Yes, how can I help you?
English tourist – Is there a bank near here?
Dweller – Yes, there’s one near here.
English tourist – How do I get there?
Dweller – At the traffic lights, take the first left and go straight ahead. It’s on the left.
English tourist – Is it far?
Dweller – Not really.
English tourist – Thank you.
Dweller – Don’t mention it.
Receptionist – Good evening. Can I help you?
Host – Yes, please. I’d like a room for the night.
Receptionist – Would you like a single room or a double room?
Host – A single room, please. How much is the room?
Receptionist – It’s $60 per night.
Host – Can I pay by credit card?
Receptionist – Certainly. Could you fill in this form?
Host – Here you are.
Receptionist – Here’s your key. Your room number is 202.
Host – Thank you.
Receptionist – Thank you. If you need anything , dial 0 for the reception area. Have a
nice stay!


Waiter – Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?
Customer – Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?
Waiter – Certainly, here you are.
Customer – Thank you. What’s today’s special?
Waiter – Grilled steak, salad , French fries , rice and beans.
Customer – That sounds good. I’ll have that.
Waiter – Would you like something to drink?
Customer – Yes, I’d like a coke.
Waiter (returning with the food) – Here you are. Enjoy your meal!
Customer – Thank you.
Waiter – Would you like something for dessert?
Customer – No, thanks.I’d like the check, please.
Waiter – That’ll be R$12,50 .
Customer – Here you are. Keep the change.
Waiter – Thank you. Have a nice day!
Customer – Bye.
Seller – Can I help you?
Customer – I’m looking for a sweater.
Seller – What size are you?
Customer – I’m large.
Seller – How about this blue one?
Customer – Yes, that’s nice. Can I try it on?
Seller – Certainly, there’s the changing rooms over there.
Customer – Thank you.
Seller – How does it fit?
Customer – It’s too large. Do you have a medium one?
Seller – Yes, here you are.
Customer – Yes, I’ll have it please.
Seller – OK, How would you like to pay?
Customer – Do you take credit cards?
Seller – Yes, we do. Visa and Master.
Customer – OK, here’s my Visa.
Seller – Thank you. Have a nice day!
Customer – Thank you. Goodbye.

                                                  Casal turma  C15

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